The PRIDE program offers residents living in Plymouth an optional identification card and aims to help populations that have difficulty obtaining acceptable forms of photo identification including older adults, formerly incarcerated individuals, people experiencing homelessness, and immigrants.
HOW TO OBTAIN AN ID: We offer PRIDE days once a month and have an appointment system set. To schedule an appointment, please call our office at 574.233.2120.
BENEFITS: The PRIDE is designed to help keep our community safe. The PRIDE allows residents to identify themselves for instances when picking up children from school, borrowing from the library, obtaining financial statements, and ordering official transcripts from a local college or university. A primary benefit will be to interact with City of Plymouth services such as the Plymouth Police Department, Plymouth Fire Department, and city buildings and services. It is up to companies, vendors, and offices outside of city departments if they will accept the card for official purposes. |
Example of a PRIDE card.